My space container will be mainly used for any kind of rock whether small, big, hot, or cold. The container is 182 millimeters high with a 108 millimeter diameter and a top that has a 91 millimeter high handle with a 107 millimeter diameter cap. The container is surrounded by magnetic putty with a magnet to allow easy relocation of the container to any metal surface. Along the inside of the container are two sets of five wedges each 1 millimeter thick across from each other. The container is adjustable through wedged grooves along the side of the container at set increments to help constrain the rock at one fixed location instead of floating around in the jar. It can also be used for other earth-like objects such as soil, dirt, and gravel but as said, it works best with rocks. The object that it contains cannot get hotter than 360 Kelvin due to shape changing of the container or colder than 260 Kelvin to prevent drops of magnetic strength in the magnetic putty.

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