I plan to send an aquatic rover named Crystal to Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons. This mission’s goal is to investigate the subsurface ocean and the deep-sea hydrothermal activity. Subsurface oceans are large amounts of liquid water under a planet's or moon's surface. There are many underground oceans in our solar system. Cassini brought back lots of data about Enceladus. That’s how we know it has subsurface oceans and deep-sea hydrothermal activity. Enceladus is a frozen moon, and its surface is covered by ice. Crystal will collect water samples from the plumes and beneath the frozen surface. We can then test the water samples to figure out if there is life in Enceladus. For this mission to be successful, we would need a long-lasting power source. Radioisotope Power System (RPS) can provide us with enough energy for our mission. RPSs are excellent sources of power for space missions. They are reliable and useful in many different conditions. Crystal will take a long trip and stay in Enceladus for a decent amount of time, so it needs an RPS to complete its mission. My superpowers are imagination and creativity. They will help me when I design my aquatic rover and plan the mission. I like to read books, especially about space. I want to learn more about it and unlock the universe's secrets. I desire to be an astrophysicist when I grow up. There are a lot of mysteries in the universe. I would love to discover them.