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My robot’s name is Cupcake, and it will make anyone smile. It is a robot dressed like a cupcake, and made for those who have lost a friend. This robot should make them smile, because it is cute, and because it delivers freshly baked cupcakes. Question: Who wouldn’t smile when they are given a cupcake? Answer: No one! As you can see, the robot's eyes are of oreos, and the mouth and nose are made of sprinkles, and it has cheeks of marshmallows. It also has a giant cupcake as its body, and icing as a hat, and its neck. It has chocolate sticks as arms, a personal oven carrying your freshly baked cupcake, and trash for when you are done. Finally, it has a beautiful rapper with polka dots and heart, and wheels so that it can roll around making people smile. It even has cupcakes free of allergies.