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Amelia the Fur-bot is a robot designed for kids and adults alike! Amelia is designed for kids, or people who are allergic to pets. Amelia has 2 modes, one to act like the animal for the version you bought, and one to act human. Amelia has two extendable arms that stretch up to 3 feet! Amelia easily makes you smile when you're feeling down, with hugs, hand holding, or just being with you! Amelia is mostly made out of plastic, but has a little metal gate you can open and store small things. The gate on Amelia’s chest has a lock only one key can open. Each key is different so only you and anyone you let use the key can open the gate. Amelia comes in 2 animals, dogs and cats. Amelia has a button on her back to turn her on, she is sound and motion activated.