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Vervatos Gadget is your #1 dream war fighting-style robot! This robot can have numerous styles and can answer any of your questions! Vervatos is a young boy's dream robot, with gravity boots, speakers, safe flame thrower, and so much more! And, don't worry, Vervatos won't kill you or take over the world, you can safely control him with the app connected to your robot! Just download the IQ-19 app and follow the instructions to get your robot connected! Vervatos is able to do almost anything you ask him to do! Having a party? Vervatos has built in LED lights to give off the perfect party vibe! Need a helping hand on laundry or work? He will do it all! Vervatos can be anything and is the new future generation of help! He also comes in various amounts of height Max 4"10 and anything under! Vervatos is the next generation!