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Felicello is the happy personal chef you've always dreamed of. Families can own him to play and dance the "Felicello Way." His signature song is called the Felicello Shuffle with his own Italian twist. He can spin around and sing to the beat. Felicello loves tickles on his belly. The robot can detect pressure there, and too much tickling will make him go mad! (There's a sound to let the user know he's upset.) This will make children smile when they see a cute little robot get angry. But no worries because he'll cool off and go back to dancing (giving an upbeat sound). There is even a button for Felicello to tell jokes or share words of appreciations (Ex: "I love you"). His switching of faces is on a rotating device to spin (and body), the speaker is located on the inside, and there's a USB port to charge.