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My Robot is named "Robo". Robo is a dessert robot, Robo has any kind of dessert, ice cream, drinks, and sweets you could possibly think of. Robo is designed for kids to use and to put a smile on their face. I think kids will smile when they see Robo because kids love sweets, and Robo is all about sweets. On the front of Robo, robo has ice cream on his head, then drinks, cakes, brownies, macarons, cookies, and milkshakes (some most popular desserts) and on the back, you can press a button and put in the name of dessert you want and it will come right out of his back. Robo is made of silver, plastic, and titanium. Robo is automated, no need to control him. You can find Robo on beaches, restaurants, hotels, and you can even buy a Robo on amazon for $399.99.