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Smirk is a desktop robot made for kids from 4 and up. It loves hugs, tickles, tells jokes, sings songs, compliments you, is interactive and a friend for life. Smirk’s features include facial recognition, it recognizes users by name in the Smirk app, starts dance parties when you tap the star button, tells jokes when you tap the heart button, and the spinner spins when it giggles or laughs and has touch sensors on top and sides for hugging and tickling. In the Smirk app, you can customize the pop quizzes button based on your age, create your own playlists using the sing song button. It is also controlled by voice commands. Smirk also includes speakers, microphone, and a camera. It is made of an eco-friendly, lightweight plastic that is lead free, BPA free, phthalate free, odorless, and 100% safe. Smirk works on a lithium battery. Made in the USA.