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Hi. My robot is called the Supersonic LOLcattic. It is a 5 foot-tall robot that is made by cats to play LOLcats memes. The robot was made for the bored people who have nothing to do. The cat that you can see at the top is called Captain ICANHASCHEEZBURGER. Inside his control room/ sleepy spot, he has a map which locates bored people all over the nation. On the inside of the robot, there are more cats that have certain jobs in the robot. Once the robot finds the bored people and makes them happy by playing LOLcats memes, and playing the word meow repeatedly just so that it doesn’t get awkwardly silent. Just in case something bad happens, there is a cat with dangerous laser eyes in a cardboard box on the roof. The Supersonic LOLcattic is made of iron, wires, engines, lights, cardboard boxes, electricity, and kitty cats.