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Meet A.De.M., short for Anti-Depression Mushroom. ADeM was made especially to improve people’s self-esteem. When people have low moments, sometimes it’s really hard to pull yourself out of it. That’s why I designed ADeM. His mushroom top is made out of brass. His bottom is made out of non-stretch, unpainted rubber. ADeM’s purpose is to make you feel like you have a purpose, even when you are unmotivated. When you’re feeling down just walk up to ADeM and vent. Whenever he hears something negative, he will reply with the exact opposite. If you just need a little happiness you can tell him, “ADeM, do a little dance,” and just like that he will do a little jig. With lightweight materials, he can function quickly and seamlessly. His voice sensor makes it so that you don’t need to have a controller activate him.