By the year 2050, New Jersey will face a longer, stronger hurricane season, which will have detrimental effects on wildlife that include causes like flooding or other damages to habitats, loss of food needed for winter, and displaced, or injured animals. To address this situation, action needs to be taken before the hurricanes hit, which can be implemented with these two solutions.
One solution is by installing cameras in populated wildlife areas, and evacuating vulnerable animals before the hurricane hits. Just as people leave their homes before a hurricane hits, animals would be able to do the same safely, which would cause the dispersion of animals to decrease and prevent their hurricane-related injuries.
Another solution is by creating animal-friendly shelters that cannot be destroyed by hurricanes. Just as people have updated their homes to be “hurricane-proof,” animals will now be able to have a safer shelter that is “hurricane-proof,” which will protect the shelters of animals from becoming destroyed and protect the food that they need for the upcoming winter.
In the end, the actions that are needed to be taken before the hurricane season blows into New Jersey, include implementing these solutions, which will help the animals in need.