H2OOOH NO! That's the current situation when there's a flood coming our way. When people get warned about these disasters, they don’t immediately know if it’s the, “my car is a goner” type of flood, or if it’s the news reporters exaggerating everything type of flood. Ever since planet Earth got water, immersive waves have kept coming. Especially up in Edison NJ where flooding has increased drastically. Unfortunately, activities earthlings have done like burning fossil fuels, release heat-trapping gasses, which means more H2O battles to endure over time. As a fact, the level of severity a flood has is uncertain, because the same level of height a river stage has above a flood warning, has various impacts on each town, resulting in communities struggling to recover from not only restoring the wifi, but rebuilding structures, saving the hurt, and keeping spirits up. This is why HydroActiva comes to the rescue as it’s a satellite that accurately calculates the percent impact a potential flood has precisely, based on the town’s density in the number of buildings, and their distance from the event, along with detecting forming cyclones or overflowing rivers above their bank-full stage, all more effciently to make people prepared.