F.A.R.N. addresses both climate change and food insecurity through private-public cooperation. Firstly, the government incentivizes farms through subsidies to collect produce that would typically be discarded because of its visual appearance, which results in around 50% of all produce being thrown away. Secondly, to identify which specific produce is eligible for subsidization, the government requires farms to utilize F.A.R.N., the fault avoidance redistribution network. The algorithm can be used at any stage of the supply chain. From there, the farms have a selection of charities, food banks, and food kitchens to donate to that are all responsible for the transportation of produce. The cost of the machine learning algorithm ranges from $25,000 to $50,000 based on the cost of other similar projects. Food waste costs the U.S. an estimated $940 billion dollars per year in economic losses. According to the EPA, the reduced wasted food from our solution presents opportunities in increasing food security, economic efficiency, and addressing climate change. A challenge of this scale requires an appropriate measure: a $200 billion investment in farms across the nation gives way for $73 billion in annual returns, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 75 million metric tons and creates 51,000 jobs.