Climate is a major factor in the way environments thrive or decline. Louisiana the climate is constantly changing throughout the week and even the day. With that being stated, it's a very inconsistent state when it comes to the weather, with that being said it tends to have a lot of environmental issues that causes the decline of habitats and populations of organisms within the state. One major issue that the state faces is heavy rainfall. With heavy rainfall comes flooding, even with a little rain roadways/land tend to flood very easily. Sometimes it’s so severe that the schools will have shut down or the day will end earlier. With this being said Louisiana is in dire need of better drainage systems, this could include deeper/wider ditches that would collect more water and let more water flow at a time allowing it to take longer to get to the level of going over the roads. Another way that the issue could be addressed is creating a dip in the area that is affected and adding a drain allowing the water to flow downwards into the drain. Allowing more efficient drainage for the roads and adjacent lands.
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