Flooding impacts animals and the way they live, for example, flooding pushes animals out of their natural habitats and can destroy where they reside causing animals to migrate closer to humans and disrupt other areas. To help prevent flooding, drainage systems could be developed or strengthened. Warning systems could also help in somewhat preventing issues from occurring. Most importantly humans as a whole need to stop polluting the water because if there is chemicals in the water and a flood occurs, animals are susceptible to damages caused by these chemicals. This leads to population problems and a complete disruption within a food chain. As a part of humanity, we can all improve how we live and start seeing the changes occurring due to the problems we create and start to fix these problems we have caused. There is problems occurring all over, including Louisiana, we have to change what we are doing or these problems will overrun us and we won’t be able to fix it before it is too late. WE NEED CHANGE. The change has to start now before it is too late. Flooding is a natural occurrence and due to pollution it is now worse than ever.
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