Louisiana is a state with prosperous agriculture and it thrives off of the crops and products of farmers’ hard labor. This past year, Louisiana was struck with a drought that left 60% of the state in the exceptional drought category, the harshest one. This left farmers without proper income and families with less and less food. The price on the food that was available, skyrocketed due to the scarcity of it. In order to prevent this harshness from happening again, water conservation methods should be put into use. Ways to introduce this is by educating the community about saving and conserving the things they have. The community can do this by taking shorter showers, turning off the water while shaving or brushing their teeth, using the dishwasher for full loads only, fixing leaky faucets and pipes, etc. This will save water that could save a community from the next drought. This saved water will give the community enough to keep going even though there is a shortage. By doing this, droughts in agriculture in Louisiana will be much easier to manage.
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