Since 1880, the sea level has risen 13 inches along New York’s coast. New York City has been experiencing flooding for quite some time now. The city was built right by the Hudson River, which unfortunately set the future up for failure. As precipitation levels rise, so do the prices of housing in the city, and the homeless population rises each year. To fight these issues, the United Kingdom has developed a house that can rise in a frame and float above water. The banks flood, which can flood underneath the house. Because of the air gap that would rest underneath the house, it would be forced up to rise above the water and keep the house dry. The house could be implemented in NY, but due to most spaces already being crowded with buildings, it would be difficult to try and have current homeowners keep their homes. There is still the ability to build around or underneath the current buildings, so the amphibious houses in NY are still a possibility as coastal levels rise.
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