The rapid population growth in Northeast Florida has caused an increase in carbon emissions in the transportation sector, specifically tailpipe emissions. Governments are also looking to reach carbon neutrality, so their best course of action is to remove CO2 from the air. As suburban areas that dominate my region grow, small commercial centers spring up between neighborhoods causing more transit in the area, mostly by car, even though they are short. The growth of suburbia leads to the cutting down of large wooded areas, drastically reducing the number of photosynthetic plants available to remove carbon from the air.
An easy way to mitigate environmental impact would be to bike these short distances, however bikes are not necessarily accessible due to the difficulty to take them places, such as to a town center far from your house, and the cost. My proposal to encourage eco-conscious transport and physical activity is to establish a network of rental bike stations throughout suburban areas. To make these stations more effective in reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, I suggest adding a Liquid Tree, tanks of photosynthetic algae that efficiently photosynthesize to offset the carbon the deforested areas used to, to each station.
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