Cincinnati will face many challenges from worsening climate conditions, including the impact on the Ohio River, a crucial waterway for multiple states. Climate change is expected to increase flooding, disrupting water levels, and damaging infrastructure and agriculture. The Ohio River is already highly polluted, and climate-related shifts will likely worsen its quality. My plan, AquaGuard – a smart water management system, would use sensors to continuously monitor key water quality indicators and collect data. This technology would be integrated with flood-prediction algorithms, analyzing rainfall, river flow, and historical data to predict events. And, by utilizing a localized radio frequency, a network of devices could communicate to leaders and infrastructure to reduce the impact on vulnerable areas. Plus, the device would allow for easy deployment, could be built with durable, weather-resistant materials, and could be powered by nearby renewable energies. Because the data would be stored digitally, it could be paired with a mobile app interface, generating real-time facts and educating users. Furthermore, the plan could help promote green infrastructure and future innovation. Altogether, AquaGuard aims to revolutionize our water management practices for a more resilient future, saving countless lives and dollars in the process.