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Since heat waves, which can have negative effects on the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and cerebrovascular system, have become an increasing issue in New Jersey, a statewide curfew has been implemented to keep people in their homes or other air conditioned facilities. The curfew is called the InnerCue systm, and is announced every morning. The curfew is put into place for the time of day that is projected to be the hottet, and will stay in place until the temperature has decreased to 90 or below. During this time, the people in New Jersey must stay in air-conditionedtioned homes; however, for people who can not afford air conditioair-conditionedtioned facilities, sugroceryocerie stores, will be made available for the time being. during this time, units blasting cold air will be turned on every 1/2 mile apart to cool down the air. This solution will lower the risk of New Jcitizensitiens developing medical prblems, because they will not be subjected toheat heats.