Combining more than one object into one tool can save space and be useful to astronauts on the International Space Station. My design combines tweezers and scissors into one 3D printable piece of space equipment. My design is useful for cutting objects and handling small objects. By combining scissors and tweezers, astronauts can save space on the International Space Station. The tool would be printed with ABS plastic filament. This plastic will make sure the tool is sturdy and won't break easily. You can use the tweezer part to handle and pick up smaller objects. Then, you can insert two small blades to turn the device into a pair of scissors. You can use the scissor part to cut wires, strings, and other objects. If there was a wire that needed to be trimmed, astronauts can use the scissors part of the tool to cut it. NASA is always looking for ways to save space on the International Space Station, and my design is perfect for handling and cutting objects while in one compact tool.

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