The TweezEx functions both as a tweezer and includes a Hex Socket (standard 3/8" drive) at the base of the tweezer. What makes this design unique is the modern cross-tweezer design. With this implemented, one gets full grip and control over the tweezer when in use, as well as a hex socket at the bottom of the base of the tweezer. The hex socket has been designed to fit for standard 3/8" drive tools. The tweezer arms are two separate parts that fit into the base (a 3rd part). The base that the tweezer fits into, provides the tension needed for the tweezer to function. For better grip on the object being held, the gripping portion of the Tweezer includes a rough triangular pattern. TweezEx makes it easier to fix objects on the ISS by incorporating two parts mainly used in the fixing process, leaving more room on the space station and making the daily tasks of an astronaut simpler.

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