Introducing… The Incredible Tentacle Maker! Consisting of a paint roller, stencil, and household items, it creates a masterpiece. Firstly, the dominoes remove a plug holding a tennis ball back. The ball rolls into the box, which is part of a pulley, causing the block to rise. It knocks over a lacrosse ball, which completes the maze. It rolls down a shelf (inclined plane), and onto a see-saw-like structure. It tips, and the ball changes direction. It flips another see-saw, which is attached to a plug holding another ball back (a failsafe). The ball continues to roll, and knocks over a tower holding a can of pinto beans up. A string, attached to the paint roller (wheel and axle), is attached to the can. When pulled, it rolls up the canvas, painting an octopus. A string attached to the can releases a ball, which falls onto some dominoes.