As the shuttle accelerates towards the starry void of space, our crew prepares for their mission: navigating to the south pole of the Moon. Our crew and rover are well prepared, for they have been crafted for success. How so? The journey to the Moon is a daunting task. A crew that is both efficient and works well together is key for a successful mission. Our crew has three people to minimize cost without jeopardizing the safety and abilities of the crew as a whole. They include an engineer who knows our rover inside and out. They can also lend aid if any technical anomalies to the rocket or the rover were to occur. The second member is a geologist who can effectively identify the lunar rock.This proves beneficial if the rover were to miscalculate any data. The final crew member is a cartographer, to map the lunar surface. Our crew contains strong personalities that allow them to work well with each other and push the limits of space, such as, leadership, perseverance, adaptability, teamwork, creativity, and problem solving abilities. These traits would prove paramount in the mission considering the possible problems or changes. The machine traveling with our crew is the Lunar Analyzing Rover System, L.A.R.S, with the capability of using strong bandwidth signals to communicate with Earth efficiently. The rover has a special sequence programmed into it that can compare the lunar makeup to the geological make-up of Earth. The rover also has the ability of running pH tests and substance analysis while on the surface. The rover would be all-terrain with agile mobility and durable treaded tires. Considering how much energy is needed to run the rover, it is solar powered with backup batteries. The rover will be left behind to continue analysis.