Our space team consists of four members. First is our pilot who is as skilled and brave as she is respected by our crew. Second is our brilliant and resourceful lead engineer. Third is our trusted doctor enlisted to study radiation levels and personal health and safety of the crew. Last is our innovative physicist. We landed near the Shackleton crater, for two reasons, the large ice deposits and prolonged sun exposure. Our main goal is to thoroughly map the terrain and prioritize the best areas for sampling. Since the Shackleton crater is closest to our landing sight we spend most of our time here. In fact the oxy hydro rover was built especially for craters like this one.The oxy hydro rover answers a timeless and prevalent issue of sustainable energy. The rover is the legacy we will leave for explorers after us. The rover itself is driven remotely by one of the crew mates either from inside the ship or on the surface. On the inside the rover contains a drill for harvesting ice. The retractable aluminum alloy sides of the rover are designed to drop down to the ground surrounding the drill so that when the ice is harvested the microgravity of the moon lifts the ice upward into the rover's body. Then the sides will close to keep it contained. On the rover’s head are mounted solar panels. The solar energy is converted into heat, heating up the box inside of the rover containing the ice. The box also contains a cathode and anode in order to preform electrolysis on the water. Thus, splitting it into two different atoms, hydrogen and oxygen. The rover will bring the two atoms back to our camp to be used for air, rocket fuel, welding, also, producing plastic, steel, and textile materials.