If I ever got the chance to lead a week-long expedition to the moon, my ideal crew would have six people. They should all be well trained, able to cope with difficult challenges, and each have knowledge and skill in different fields including robotics and technology, biology, medicine, mathematics, and of course, space exploration. It would also be ideal for them to have a sense of humor, too, since I will be stuck in a small spacecraft for a week with them. In that week, we would explore the moon, gathering information to take back to earth to help generations of future astronauts. I think that the most helpful piece of technology that we could leave on the moon would be a small robot like the curiosity rover. This would serve a similar purpose, gathering information for astronauts to come. Being a specially made robot, it would be equipped to explore the least visited parts of the moon. When we return to earth, we would make it easier for the next astronauts and researchers in years to come by providing rock samples and other technical information.