We have docked on the Gateway. We landed on the Moon with the Lunar Lander. We used the Viper to explore historical sites on the moon such as Ranger 7, Surveyor 1, and Luna 2. The xEMU spacesuit will help our crew explore safely. My crewmates are Sophia, Adams, Alexa, and me. I am the captain, an aerospace engineer. Adams is an Air Force pilot, who is precise in executing commands and also experienced in similar missions. Alexa, a microbiologist, who is an expert in researching living organisms. She will analyze to see if life is sustainable on the Moon. Sophia is a technologically advanced AI robot and can solve advanced problems. While mining using Prime-1, we found lunar water. Is there still active magma on the moon?! Sophia used her heat-detecting ability and found that there was some heat near the core. We will be leaving behind the Viper and Arctic S3 . We will place Arctic S3 at lava tunnels, places where lunar water was detected by Sophia. The Viper will reach the locations, scan areas, send information through the LRO and take some samples of astromaterials. This will contribute to further research to astronauts. Artemis continues....