Ohio must deploy R.I.V.A.A.(s) on Lake Erie as a solution to diminish phosphorus in the water produced by agricultural fertilizer runoff. To address this, these floating islands will grow various plants and their roots will be submerged in water. These plants will actively absorb the phosphorus, reducing its concentration in the Lake Erie water. This reduction in Phosphorus levels will limit the growth of algae, consequently mitigating health hazards, preventing the formation of dead zones, and preventing any further contamination. These floating islands will be constructed using recycled plastic sides that are rectangular and recycled plastic barrels attached to them to make the island float. A layer of landscaping fabric at the base will secure a thin layer of soil, providing the necessary foundation for the plants' growth and stability. To keep the island in place there will be a chain and concrete anchor weight attached to the island with slack for flooding. These islands will be put in place in various locations on the Maumee River delta. This is because carries a majority of the agricultural runoff. Putting these islands at the del of the river will prevent a lot more of this phosphorus from getting into the water.
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