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The giant anteater is one of four species of anteaters. They live in Central and South America. They feed on ants and termites. They use their fore claws to dig and uses its long sticky tongue to collect food. The life span is 14 years. They live mostly on land. It eats 30000 ants a day. Anteaters have poor eyesight. They have an excellent sense of smell. Only 5000 giant anteaters are left in the wild. The population is decreasing. They are vulnerable and can be endangered. The habitat changes due to rising temperatures may cause the rainforests to become woodlands in a few thousand years. My future animal would survive in the habitat with the following adaptations. The future giant anteater will shed its fur and grow scales which will later turn into armor It will also also grow longer sharper claws for it to dig and eat food. It may also have a long elongated snout that is hard, to get into dry areas without getting hurt. It's color will also become darker due to the intense of heat. It will also get the ability to climb trees by grasping, to hide from predators.It will also have tough pads to protect its hand from tough tree bark. It will also become less in weight than now, so it can climb trees. It can roll into a ball so predators can get fooled easily. It can hide from its predators like jaguars, cougars by camouflaging with the tree barks because of its dark color. The giant anteater is a shy slow moving mammal but the future animal is fierce and walks fast.