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My animal is the capybara (Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris) which lives in the coastal rainforests of South America. It tends to live in marshy areas and eat the water plants around it. The current capybara lives in marshy areas. Its habitat will turn out to be covered entirely in water. The rising water levels will flood its coastal habitat. After thousands of years, the capybara will evolve into a futuristic capybara, or the Subaquaneam Porcus. It has adapted to living completely under water, but it still needs to come up to breath. Adapted over thousands of years, the Subaquaneam Porcus is equipped with a hybrid of flipper paws, a dorsal fin to easily cruise through the water, and a sleeker, less barrel-like build with sleek fur much like and otter to glide through the water. Its diet is mostly fish, its teeth have become pointed and conical, adapted to eating meat.