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My future creature is a Red panda. Their scientific name is Ailurus Fulgens. Red pandas live in the tropical rainforests bordering India, Nepal, and China. Currently, Red pandas are considered an endangered species. There are less than 10,000 of them left in the world. They are protected in India, China, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Nepal. In the future, the rainforests that they call home will change; the heat will dramatically increase, and a large amount of flooding will occur. Another thing to keep in mind is the human deforestation. It will be a flat, misty, and wet marsh. The ocean’s pH is rising, which causes algae to die and seaweed to flourish. The Red panda’s new staple food is going to be seaweed because the amount of bamboo is slowly dying due to deforestation. Normally these are unlikely adaptations; but over thousands of years a lot of things can happen.