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The Amazon Kingfisher’s current habitat is the coastal rainforest. In the future it will turn into a marsh/seasonal wetland. The Amazon Kingfisher will likely live in the freshwater marsh. Freshwater marshes develop near rivers and contain mostly grasses and aquatic plants. This is highly contrasting to their current habitat, which is densely populated with trees and brush. Wading birds will likely move into the area along with larger predators, such as alligators. Amazon Kingfishers could learn to stick together in large groups, so they could easily ward off any other birds trying to intrude on their hunting space. They could evolve to have a muddier brown coloring, so they have camouflage that matches their muddy surroundings. Whenever a predator approaches they could either fly into the air or hide in the tall grass and make “klek” or “tek” noises, this would confuse the predator on where they are.