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My tropical rainforest vertebrate is the Scarlet Macaw. Scarlet Macaws live in inland forests like the Amazon rainforest. They adapted to rainforests by having strong beaks to crush nuts and seeds. When Scarlet Macaws fly their wings don't flap deeply and when they land they drop their tail and feet downward and use their wings like brakes to slow down before grasping a perch with their feet.They also have agile toes for jumping from branch to branch. Scarlet macaws also use their colorful feathers as a strategy to stay safe. Some predators of the Scarlet Macaws are snakes, monkeys, and other small carnivores. Scarlet macaws are herbivores so all they eat is plants. Scarlet macaws are also very funny, creative and nice. I chose the scarlet macaw to be my animal because they are interesting, smart, and beautiful animals.