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My animal is the “Hudrochoerue hydrochaeris” , well known as the capybara! Some Adaptations that capybara have are teeth that never stop growing which provides help with eating tree bark. Capybaras hide from their main predators, the jaguar and Puma, by camouflaging in shallow murky water. Speaking of swimming, capybaras have some swim adaptations! One of them is the fact that they have webbed feet like ducks to help them swim faster. Also their ears, eyes, and nostrils are on the top of their head to help swim fully submerged. I made my capybara fully aquatic. They now have a noise on the top of the head like a dolphin so that it goes up for air as fast as possible and now have larger lung capacity so they can stay underwater for longer. They have fins to replace their webbed feet. Their body is like a dolphin but smaller.