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The red-bellied piranha, an apex predator in the Amazon River, faces a disaster caused by global warming. With deforestation and rising temperatures changing its once-humid habitat into a large desert, the piranha evolves to survive in these new conditions. In response to deforestation and the drying Amazon River, the piranha goes through many changes. A sail now grows along its back, like the ancient Dimetrodon, helping regulate its body temperature. Furthermore, the piranha now has a greater sense of smell, helping it hunt prey in the vast desert expanses. Its skin toughens, becoming a protective shield against the harsh elements now prevalent in its altered home. Notably, a transparent eyelid like a camel shields its eyes from sand particles carried by sandstorms, still making it an effective predator. This journey of the red-bellied piranha demonstrates resilience, showcasing its capacity to evolve and thrive in environmental upheavals imposed by climate change.