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The King Cobra also identified as the Ophiophagus Hannah is a deathly and venomous snake that resides in rainforests all over Asia. This snake lives in warm and moist climates sheltered by bamboo thickets, mangrove swamps, high-altitude grasslands, and rivers. They consume other snakes, venomous or nonvenomous. They also, but not regularly, consume lizards, eggs, and other small animals. Climate change is a persistent threat in our ecosystems and sooner or later, most definitely sooner, it will begin to affect all habitats and environments. This will affect the normalities of the king cobra such as their mating, breeding, environment, and many other things. If climate change continues to persist Cobras will migrate to areas with more water, their heat tolerance will be strengthened and their breeding seasons will most likely change. Overall climate change creates and develops an enormous list of problems for all animals including the King Cobra.