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As climate change progressed we have seen a lot of change from a variety of animals in our rainforests. One of these animals is the sloth bear, alternatively known by its scientific name, Melursus ursinus. Some have begun calling it the “fox bear” due to its taller sharp-eared appearance. It also has a much lighter coloration, one that is a dark brown. Additionally, the bear has developed several new tan markings. We believe that the change in coloration helps keep it cool, as darker fur attracts more heat. Its home has changed because of climate change too, however. Deforestation, intense storms, increased temperatures, bushfires, and changes in cloud cover all contribute to the effect of global warming. Apart from the coloration, the bear has also developed much bigger ears, thinner underbelly fur, longer limbs, and an increase in thermoregulation, all to combat the environmental change caused by global warming.