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Presently, the golden poison dart lives in the understory layer of the rainforest; they rely on vibrant coloration and toxic skin secretions to deter predators. It traverses damp leaf litter, its moist skin facilitating respiration and maintaining hydration. However, as climate change dries rainforest environments, the golden poison dart frog must adapt. In the predicted future habitat, where arid conditions prevail, the frog develops a dry, hardened, scaly layer of mucus to retain moisture, ensuring survival in the increasingly parched landscape. Additionally, as insect populations diminish, the frog evolves teeth, enabling it to prey upon small mammals. Its toxic skin secretions now serve as a defense mechanism and a potent weapon in hunting. To conclude, I believe that in the far future, due to droughts from global warming and deforestation of rainforests, the golden poison dart frogs will be forced to transform from peaceful insectivores to scaly venomous hunters.