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The only predators of an adult harpy eagle are deforestation and drought. Very large, yet nimble creatures; the harpy eagles live in the canopy of the Amazon rainforest. Where they prey on monkeys, snakes, opossums, and more. The majestic creature can be up to 40 inches tall with a wingspan of up to 6 feet! With its precise vision and acute hearing, it is at the top of the food chain. But with its habitat dying, it could become very vulnerable. With adaptations, it may have a chance. That is why I suggest giving the harpy retractable talons to hunt prey down when needed, but not in the way when it wants to run and take off in flight. With warm tones on its feathers, it will camouflage and make itself invisible to its unsuspecting prey. The smaller size would make the eagle both quick on land and air.