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The current habitat is the jaguar, Panthera onca, is the dominant mammal in the center of the tropical rainforest, its rosette-covered coat perfectly adapted to the sun-dappled shadows of the dense leaves. It skillfully stalks through the undergrowth as a high-ranking predator, feeding on tapirs, deer, and capybaras. Its powerful power and skill represent its mastery of the complex rainforest and the environment. The adapted future habitat is the jaguar's evolutionary reaction is prompted by the rainforest's transformation into a mixed woodland due to the relentless advance of climate change. Its once-vibrant coat becomes muted, blending in with the changing colors of the open forest. As the jaguar's movements change, it must become increasingly adept at adjusting to the sparseness of the trees. The ability of the species to navigate this changed environment is critical to its survival.