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Due to rising seas, the leopard has gone through three stages of evolution starting from its present-day form. It has a slender, muscular build with short but powerful limbs, perfect for scaling trees. Next, it starts to transform into being semi-aquatic. It has a slightly leaner build for smooth swimming, and its fur color has dulled for camouflage. Its paws have become webbed, and its tail is longer. Its face has lengthened to easily snatch prey. For its “last” evolution, it has fully become aquatic. Its build has become streamlined and larger. Its ears have almost disappeared, jaw is wider and full of serrated teeth, nose has changed to a higher position, limbs have shrunk to suit swimming, tail is girthy, and fur is much denser, shorter, almost water-resistant. The lungs have also developed with a larger capacity. The new leopard’s diet would consist of fish and marine animals.