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Before climate change, Manakins and animals alike were thriving. Their bodies allowed them to navigate the Amazon rainforest without any trouble, having already adapted to its climate. As you can see in the before photo, the manakin is short and stubby, since all they have to do is pick berries to survive. When climate change started taking effect in the Amazon rainforest, those short and stubby legs were of no use to the manakin. In my future drawing, you can see an evolved manakin. Beak, leg, wing, and tail sight all doubled so that the manakin can get food from other resources quickly and efficiently. The Manakin's eyes can see further to locate prey and any predators coming from afar. The tail size of the Manakin increased for balance. Because of climate change in the Amazon, Manakins will need new ways to survive and adapt, as shown in the drawing.