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My rainforest vertebrae animal, an anaconda, is living its normal life slithering away in the lush rainforest. His rainforest habitat is packed with vibrant green colors, plant life, other living organisms, and it is prospering. But, there is an underlying threat to the rainforest. Rising ocean levels, and rain is causing the rainforests to flood at a rapid rate. This means that the anaconda must adapt quick enough to see its future, even if it is under water. In my future drawing. The anaconda is seen sporting gills on either side of its neck. Hypothetically, if the water level rises about 1 foot per year, and the average rainforest tree is around 100 feet tall. Then the anaconda would have around 100 years to grow and adapt to this new lifestyle. I believe it can because these types of anacondas, green anacondas, are well adapted to the water.