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I decided to illustrate how a South American Tapir might evolve over time, based on the effects of climate change and savannization. The new creature’s name is the Striped Lowland Taipr, or Tapirus terrestris albus. The Striped Lowland Taipr has adapted to the savannization of the Amazon by evolving a long, prehensile trunk and powerful back legs to grab high up leaves and fruits that would be otherwise scarce below. The Striped Lowland Taipr also evolved toes that are flatter and closer to the ground to allow for greater mobility. Not only that, but they have evolved a light brown striped coat to camouflage in the newly developed Savannah, and have larger ears to help let off extra heat. Lastly, the Striped Lowland Taipr doesn’t swim like its predecessors due to lack of water availability on the new Savannah.