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Over time, the gecko may develop a smaller size. An animal with less size allows more hiding spaces from the hot sun. Also, smaller bodies require less water, something scarce from climate change. In addition, with excessive heat, metabolic rate increases. This causes faster maturity rate coupled with smaller size. Crested geckos may grow flared tails in response to rising temperatures. They can use it to shield themselves from the heat. The tail can act as an insulator to keep their temperatures regulated. INcluding this, a flared tail allows for more surface area. This is the key factor in heat dissipation. The crested geckos can evolve to develop eyelids. Eyelids can help protect the gecko's eyes from the sun. THis can help them get a better rest in the daytime through the hottest times of the day, as they are crepuscular. Because higher UV rays cause blindness, eyelids are necessary.