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Known as the forest giraffe, the okapi resembles a cross between a deer and zebra. These rare animals are found only in the most remote rainforests of central Africa. Their striped coat allows them to blend in with the light shafts produced by the canopy; and their velvety fur repels water. Sadly, only 25,000 of these magnificent creatures remain today, despite conservation efforts. Let's sprint into what this intriguing fauna needs to adapt to ensure legitimate survival. Firstly, a narrow chest and powerful back and legs are required to have enough stamina, a trait needed to find food in habitats that are always changing. Secondly, the okapi needs to be able to handle various kinds of plants, requiring a larger digestive tract, so if one is not available in this global-warming stricken planet, then another is. Lastly, the ability to swim is required. Water will help cool down in a warmer earth!