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The animal that I selected is an anaconda. An anaconda is a snake, and it's green. My animal's live in an environment that is wet, grassy, and moist . .A anaconda is not venomous, its predators are humans. Humans are a threat to anaconda. An anaconda looks like a long,skinny,green snake with black spots on it.This animal eats tapirs, capybara, deer, peccaries, turtles, birds,and sheep. The snake currently lives in a wet environment.The adaptations will be different. The anaconda will have to move to a different environment.Somewhere moist and where there is food. In the new environment that my snake lives in will be hard.In 100 years the anacondas environment will look dry and hard.The snake will have to move environments, and where there is food and water. He will have to eat smaller animals like a rat.