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The Bengal Tiger lives in lush rainforests and wetlands, despite changing temperatures. Luckily, they thrive in either because when climate change is at its peak in 1,000 years, the rainforests become a frozen tundra. Thankfully, a genetic anomaly that sometimes appears in offspring, renders them white with black stripes. Leafy trees are now bare, and the shadows from the trees help the tiger to camouflage with their black stripes. Their white fur helps them blend in with the snow as well. The deer they hunt still live in the cold, and the Bengal Tiger’s diet now revolves solely around the remaining species of deer that still live there. Once retractable, their claws stay out to steady the Tiger on ice. These solitary creatures use caves in the earth made by pockets of air before the rainforest became a wasteland. These majestic creatures have survived the trials of climate change.