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I think the capybara will change in many ways because of climate change. The capybara lives in the Amazon Rainforest. Capybaras have partially webbed feet which makes them good swimmers and they also stay near the water to retreat from predators but, in the future, ponds will be no more. It will be a massive drought. So a capybara would need long claws to dig a hole in the ground to survive. They are also herbivores, meaning they eat plants (mainly aquatic plants and grasses), in future plants would die so they may resolve to insects. Capybara also would require a hump to store fat due to desert-like conditions. Weathering and erosion would be present because of temperature, an agent of weathering. It would need flat feet to track the sand. Sandstorms are also a factor of this desert-like world. They may also need a third eyelid.