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Sloths are blind and can take up about 50 days to digest a meal. Sloths have round-ish heads, sad-looking eyes, tiny ears, and stubby tails. Sloths like to eat leaves, twigs, buds, and fruit because they are herbivores. You can find sloths in Central and South America in rainforests. Sloths are not friendly and can bite. They can be aggressive to humans. I think sloths will be extinct in 1000 years because today, sloths are endangered. They are endangered due to habitat loss. They are hunted illegally. One of the biggest threats to sloths are forest fragmentation, or habitat destruction. Sloths live up to 20 years. In 1000 years, it will probably be way too hot and plants will be dying. Sloths won't have food to eat and they could starve and die. But right now sloths are endangered so they probably won't even be here after climate change.